Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Blazing The Trail

We hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and spent some time really worshiping and praising God for his ultimate gift. We just wanted to update all of you on what we have been up to since the students left for their break. We, flew to Texas to spend some time visiting supporters and family there and then to New Mexico to visit some more supporters and family. On the 23rd we flew back to Columbia,SC to spend Christmas with the other side of the family.
Now, we are getting ready for our ATL 07 conference which will take place on December 30th-January 3rd. We could really use all of your prayers for this conference and that God would move in the hearts of college students that attend. Also, if you could pray for our physical and spiritual rest as all of the traveling has worn on us and we will be having very long days at the ATL conference. Thank You!!! and Merry Christmas!!!
Bowe and Ashley Butler

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Hey guys
In order to really help this blog serve the purpose that we are hoping it will serve(to better inform you guys of what God is doing and how we are doing) then i encourage you to leave comments on our wall. At the end of each post or article there is a "comment" link that you can click on and write back to us. It is an easy way to communicate with eachother and ensure that we inform you guys more with things you are interested in. Thanks for your partnership in making this a better blog!
Bowe and Ashley

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Seed Planted!!!

This is a freshman here at UNC named DJ. I met DJ in the dorms one night a couple of months ago. Over the past couple of months the Lord has been building a relationship between DJ and I. I found some things that DJ enjoyed doing and started doing some of them with him and we began to build a bond, friendship, and trust. During that time God also gave me insight into some of DJ's deep hurts and desires that have led him to a life of perfectionism and a work-aholic mentality. His whole life all he has known, is that in order to have any worth, purpose, or approval from his family of the world that he must be the best athlete and student. He is an extremely hard worker and an amazing athlete and very smart. He plays on the club lacrosse team here and he got a 1400 on his SAT's to help you understand just how gifted this guy is. But, despite all of his gifting, he still can not save himself from his sin. Prior to our relationship DJ had never heard the Gospel and that it was a gift.I have been sharing little bits of my testimony and the Gospel over the past month when we hang out but tonight I finally got to share the Gospel very clearly and take him to scripture. The conversation went amazing and I really feel like the Lord is really working on his heart. He didn't make a profession of faith right there but it really hit him deep. He recognized his need and where he was at and that he wants a relationship but he was a little hesitant. So, I decided to let the conversation sit and I wanted to ask that you would pray with me that the Lord would really move in his heart and make his need very clear. Pray that he would even initiate to me to ask questions about our talk and that he would consider coming to ATL 07. Thanks

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Newly Weds

These are some pictures of our new home in Chapel Hill. Its not much but we love it!!! Our apartment is about 1.5 miles away from the campus and our apartment complex itself is over 70% students.

First Blog Ever!!!

Well, here it is, our first blog ever!!! Neither of us is very experienced with this sort of thing but in an effort to keep our friends, families, and supporters more updated we are going to tr y. From here on out we will try to update our blog weekly or bi-weekly with short stories about what is going on with us and our ministry here at UNC Chapel Hill. We will also try to frequently post pictures of students, events, and us to help you gain vision for what God has called us to do here!!! Finally, we would really benefit from any comments or opinions you might have about how to make the blog better.
Thanks and God Bless
Bowe and Ashley