Thursday, March 13, 2008

Multiplication Begins

Through the Bible study that we had in the Conner Dorm God has raised up a man. Matt Williams is a freshman from the Raleigh, NC area. Matt is to my left in the picture and his roomate DJ is to my right. Matt was one of the first guys that I met in the dorms at UNC. Over the course of this school year God has been blessing our relationship. Matt's is one of about 10 guys that I am heavily invested with on the 2nd floor of Conner dorm. All of these guys are either freshman or sophomores. As far as I can see right now, all of the guys on this floor are unbelievers and haven't had the transforming grace that comes from a relationship with Christ. Matt is the only one on this entire hall full of at least 75 guys that is a professing Christian and has a life that represents Christ.
Since the beginning of this semester my relationship with Matt has really blossomed. Matt has begun to recognize his need for discipleship and training in his life. I have spent some time getting in the word with Matt exposing him to passages like 2 Timothy 2:2, Matthew 4:19, Matthew 16, and Matthew 28:18-20. Through this process Matt has begun to see his need to be trained and developed personally. He sees his need to have practical skills to implement what he has been taught in church growing up and how to continue to grow.
He also, through looking at Mark 2:1-12 together, Matt saw his need to take his lost friends on the hall and even his roommate to Jesus like the people did in this passage. The best part about all of these things is that Matt is wanting me to be that man in his life that would help him learn how to grow personally and how to minister to his friends and roommate who don't know Christ.
How faithful God is!!! This is what we do! Who better to reach the 75 lost guys in a freshman dorm than a freshman in that dorm! I am now meeting with Matt on a daily basis and taking him with me to build relationships, share the Gospel, and love on the guys on his hall; so that he can begin to learn how to minister to his friends. We also get in the word together and Matt is learning how to study that word on his own now!
Please pray for Matt and his decision to come to our Summer Orlando Project, where he would receive more training and personal development.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

To See The Lost Saved!

Last time I talked to you I talked about how we were beginning a four week evangelistic Bible Study. Well, that Bible study has been over for about 3 weeks now and we have been continuing to go deeper with the guys that were attending that Bible study. We averaged about 11 guys each week. Each week we took them a little bit deeper into the reality of who Jesus is and what the Gospel means for them.
It is important to note that these guys that were attending the Bible study did not come from heavily churched backgrounds. Some in fact, had never heard of the Gospel before. So, in light of that it has been a slow process with them. But, it has become more obvious over the past 2 months that God is very much at work in these guys but he has not yet opened their eyes completely.
One of the most surprising things about this group of guys is their desire to want to hang out and enjoy friendship with me. That might not sound like much to you guys but, when you think about a 25 year old married guy walking up into a freshman dorm and hanging out with them it can come across as a little weird to them. But, despite that, the Holy Spirit has been testifying of the difference of my life to theirs. So much so, that these guys last week asked me to come over and eat dinner with Ashley and I and spend the night in our apartment!
So, God is doing big things here with the unchurched college students in exposing them to his word and their need for a savior. Continue to pray for these guys! There names are Kameron, Tyler, DJ, Nick, Zac, Austin, Jeremiah, Andrew, and Jared.