Friday, January 25, 2008

Evangelistic Bible Study

This past Wednesday Erik McKee(another staff guy at UNC) and I started an evangelistic Bible Study in one of the dorms that we have been spending time in. 10 freshman and sophmores attended the Bible study. We have building relationships with most of these guys for the past 3 months and sharing little bits of truth and the Gospel with them as God opened doors. But, it wasn't until this semester that we felt like the Lord was confirming that the students were ready for a Bible study and would respond to an invitation, until this semester.

This Bible study is a 4 week study that will walk them through understanding their position before God outside of Christ and his atoning work on the cross that he offers them through a relationship. All of the guys that attended this week were guys that when we first met them would never have been interested in coming to something like this, but God has begun to soften all of their hearts and has begun to make them more spiritually interested. We are praying that God would raise up some future laborers that would multiply their life out to their fellow student, from this Bibles study. I invite you to pray with us and I will update you as things progress.

By His Grace,

Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Support News!!!

Hey everybody,
I just wanted to update you on our support situation. We need to raise about $300 more a month in commitments. However, over the past 2 days God has brought in about $75 a month in new support through a current supporter bumping his goal up and the Lord giving us a new supporter. Praise the Lord!!! Please continue to pray for our support and the students at UNC. We have been back on the campus the past 2 days and God is already doing things. We are praying about starting some evangelistic Bible studies soon with some of the non-Christian students that we have relationships with from last semester and a few that we pray to meet in the next couple of weeks. We are praying that through the exposing them to scripture that the Spirit will move and we will see some students make decisions to give their lives to Christ!!! Thank you for laboring with us!

. If any of you are interested in bumping up your goals please contact us at or call at 843-324-8573 to let us know how much.
By His Grace,
Bowe and Ashley

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Back In Chapel Hill

Finally, we are back in Chapel Hill. As we have talked about in the past posts, we have been on the road living out of a suitcase for the past month. We have spent the majority of that month meeting with supporters, raising new support, preparing for our ATL 07 conference, and putting on the ATL 07 conference for the 800 + students that attended. We had about 30 students from UNC and NC State attend the conference and a few of them made professions of faith at the conference stating that they made a decision to give their life to Christ and begin a relationship with him.

So, now we are back in Chapel Hill preparing to start another semester. The students go back to class tomorrow Wednesday the 9th. We will have a staff meeting tomorrow morning to pray through and discuss the direction and strategy we feel the Lord leading us to go in trying to reach the campus of UNC for Christ. I ask for your prayers on this matter, that God would open our eyes to what he is doing on the campus and where and how he would like us to go. Thank you for all of your prayers and support. We prayerfully look forward to being able to update you on students making decisions for Christ and the kingdom expanding.

By His Grace,
Bowe and Ashley